Selasa, 06 Februari 2018

2 Unfortunate Foreign Lovebirds Asking for Cancelled Flight Information

It was Friday night 10.30 pm (8/Oct/2016) when I was working in CGK Airport as a customer service then came 2 guys (man & woman) from French whose flight (Royal Jordan) was postponed to the next Monday and they just could not accept that because they had to work on Monday. Then I told them that usually all the information about the compensation of delayed flight was sent to passengers’ email, but they said that they could not open their email in Indonesia not because they have no connection, but for something we even do not know yet until now.

And so I tried to ask as many as possible about their flight related-information to find out to whom I should have coordinated. Then, I found out that it was Royal Jordan (RJ) Company so we walked to its office, but unfortunately it was closed, so I tried to contact the ground handler (JAS Company) to ask a contact person that dealt with this delayed flight. The JAS officer then gave us the Royal Jordan officer mobile number.

It was night and late, fortunately, the Royal Jordan officer was still willing to answer my phone. He said that he would contact somebody in charge to arrange the new flight schedule for these unlucky French, and the process took about 45 minutes to proceed to the new booking code (by Cathay Pacific via Hongkong > Amman > Paris)

After 45 minutes the RJ Officer sent the new ticket via Whats App including hotel, meals & shuttle bus voucher. I said all the good information to them, and I could see in the woman’s eyes that she wanted to cry because she was very happy. I then called the hotel shuttle bus to pick them up. In the end, The RJ Officer appreciated my enthusiasm in helping his passengers, he said that he would share something in my office Facebook fanspage to appreciate what I have done.

Chinese Old Man Who Cannot Speak English

I was working in the counter at Terminal 2F departure, and one old chinese man came to me asking for help. I helped him call the Call Center of Cathay Pacific because he was just left by the airline, and he barely could speak Bahasa. The old man looked like an underprivileged man (at first) until finally he gave his Cathay Executive Frequent flyer Card  and his old Nokia Phone and number to call requesting to set new flight for tomorrow afternoo.

I then called and mentioned the card number belonging to him. I told the CC officer that this old man was left the flight by CX 776 departing from CGK-HKG at 14:30.

After taking a few seconds, the CC officer arranged new ticket for him with additional payment only around 1,5 Million rupiah. I was surprised actually because having left by the airline because of passenger's mistake, usually can cost us like buying new ticket totally (not too mention the airport tax up to 20% from the original price). Lucky him, he just needed to pay approximately a quarter of the normal price to HKG.

But, there was another problem, since his phone was not a smart phone, how could he knew that his ticket was bought? So, I used my email in order to let the Cathay officer send him the itinerary. Then, a few moments later, there was a new email came in. Yes, it was his itinerary.

However, again, how could I forward this itinerary to him?since he could not access the Whats App by using his old Nokia Phone?The answer was, so I ran to my office and printed them for him. yeay!

After all the process was done, the chinese old man then called his driver to pick him up at the airport. Before leaving he gave me 50K rupiah, but I refused because it is forbidden according to my SOP.

Lucky me to refuse that money because my junior Manager at that time saw what we did. lol.

PS: Actually, I met lots of Chinese guys here that could not speak English, so I usually interact with them through Google Translation. Sometimes, I wonder how could they survive to stay in the country where most people do not speak like the way this Chinese do. 

Pengalaman Apply CS Angkasa Pura II, Juni 2016

Ok guys, di threat pertama gua, gua akan menceritakan how I end up working in Angkasa Pura as a CSO Soetta Airport. Jadi ketika lulus kuliah Desember 2015, gua sudah mulai bergrilya looking for job vacancies available. Hampir setiap hari ke warnet untuk apply2 pekerjaan lewat jobstreet. Dari January - mei 2016, kira2 udah 1000 aplikasi kali ya... Asli ga lebay, secara klo di Jobstreet kan tinggal click "apply-apply-apply-apply"' wkwk. dan sekali gua akses ini web, biasanya 2 jam dengan total nge-click tombol apply kurang lebih 20-30 kali wkwk. (And I did it for about 5 months --'')

Lalu, sekitar Mei 2016, gua ada masukin lamaran, CV dll ke e-mail khusus rekrutmen PT Angkasa Pura 2. Sumpah, at first, I was so clueless sama ini PT. I even was not aware if this is in fact, a state-owned company. (sebetulnya mau ini BUMN atau gak, ga peduli sih, karena yang penting dapet kerjaan haha)

So, after applying, seminggu kemudian gua dapat panggilan untuk tes FISIK jam 9 pagi. Dari rumah gua di Bekasi, gua dianter ke dan sampai terminal kampung rambutan jam 6 pagi. Lalu lanjut directly ke Bandara Soetta. Pas udah masuk wilayah Bandara, gua bingung karena terakhir ke bandara itu waktu SD kelas 3 (perhaps).

Jadilah, gua took initiative by asking kenek Damri. "Bang, dimana saya bisa turun klo saya mau ke R.S Sentra Medika?". Alhamdulilah, ternyata kenek nya tau, jadi gua diturunin deket banget dari RS Sentra ini.

Dan, ketika gua masuk ke gedung RS ini, gua udah liat beberapa job seekers udah duduk ngantri di sebuah hall yang panjang. Tes yang pertama dilakukan adalah to measure height and weight! I was so pesimist at that time because if I was shorter than 165 cm, I failed to the next step automatically.

Dan sejujurnya, banyakkkkk bgt yang langsung gugur di tahap ini, even temen kampus gua cewe, juga langsung gugur. luckily, I was 167 and weight 57 kg hoho, so I passed!.Banyak yang kecewa pada tahap ini, but we cannot blame the process as the information of requirements were listed before.

Tahap kedua adalah interview dengan user. either way, user disini apaan ya? dunno lah, the thing is interview with user. All I know that there were 2 interviewers (old men) from AP2.

Proses interviewnya lumayan unik (but rather time-saving, i guess). Secara yang masuk ruangan untuk diinterview itu sekaligus 3 orang. pertanyaan-pertanyaan nya in English such as follows:

1. tell us about yourself (yaelah 101 bgt haha *cocky
2. Why are you interested in applying for this position?
3. What o you know about customer service?
4. do you have experiences related with customer service before?
5. suppose, some tourists comes and asks you where to go for shopping near to the airport as he/she has a long departure time. What will you say to them?

yang nomor 5 ini, gua jawab more or less kaya gini: 

I am gonna ask exactly their departure time. If they only have a spare time for about 5 - 7 hours, I will not recommend them to leave the airport considering the bad traffic in Jakarta. it is not wise risking their flight while they already spent much time here.I think city-exploring time is finished already.

tapi kalo 2 orang lainnya jawabnya basic sih. kaya yang "searching the nearest mall or tourist attraction in airport through internet, and tell them where it is.

Setelah interview, kami pun diizinkan pulang dan dikabarkan akan dihubungi dalam 3 hari kedepan. (a quite fast process, isn't?)

Dan, setelah 3 hari, tidak ada email apa-apa wkwkw...namun hari ke5 barulah ada email masuk confirming "congratulation now you are invited to have an interview with Airport Services Director at 600 building". Alhamdu....lilah...hehe

Dan, akhirnya gua pun naik Damri lagi ke bandara, tapi kali ini kenek nya ga tau gedung 600. Pas dia ngecek klo gedung 600 ini deket mesjid, he decided that it was near to cargo terminal. Jadilah gua diturunin di terminal kargo, tapi pas gua sampe sana, hmm ga deket guys, jauh. Akhirnya gua pun bertanya-tanya sama pedestrians disana. dan sampai juga di gedung 600. Dan juga bisa gua liat ada mesjid di depan gedung ini. and I was mumbling and wondering perhaps, this was the mosque that mbah google meant to show.

Sebelum diinterview, ternyata ada tes ukur tinggi badan dan berat lagi!! Dan kasiannya guys, ada beberapa applicant yang sudah sampai sini, ternyata harus langsung pulang padahal belum diinterview karena TB & BB ga sesuai kualifikasi. Karena ini, my heart beat so fast wkwk.

Dan akhirnya, gua pun lolos lagi, dan sama kaya interview kemarin, yang dipanggil untuk masuk ke ruangan sekaligus 3. I met 2 ladies there with one lady was the DIRECTOR of AIRPORT SERVICES!! and her VP!!. Ok, singkat cerita, ini pertanyaannya kurang lebih

1. tell me about yourself
2. what do you know about this company? (damn, I was so damn lucky due to I already did some researches before!! wkwkw) (but what funny was when I mentioned about AP2 core values yang ternyata itu versi lama wkwk.untuk yang tahun 2016, ternyata ada yang baru hhe.
3. sonang, your previous work was an English teacher, so what are the differences between having customers in airport and in the school?
4. What is your motivation in joining us? 
(gua jawab: because I am looking for a better salary job).
Dir: How much your previous salary?
gua: 1 million
Dir: 1 million?
gua: yes 1 million, you know to be a teacher here, do not expect much
Dir: (hanya tersenyum)

5. dan lupa ya beberapa pertanyaan lainnya

Dan setelah diinterview, gua pun merasa lega. and in short, sekitar 3 hari kemudian gua dapet email bahwa gua dinyatakan lulus sebagai CS PKWT AP2, Bandara Soetta. Alhamdu...lilah hhe...Ternyata setelah berusaha dan banyak berdoa serta didoakan oleh orang tua, gua akhirnya bisa dapet kerjaan Full-Time hhe.

Tapi gua juga dilanda galau guys, karena pada saat itu juga gua diterima di Philippine Embassy Jakarta sebagai Interpreter mereka! But I chose AP2 because of my principle of life. full detail about this will be described later ya....haha

NB: klo ada yang mau nanya soal gaji, maaf, gua ga bisa mention gaji gua berapa, karena ada peraturan baku tertulis nya dari Tim Direksi sekarang huhu. But in my opinion, ini cukup :). tapi yah...karena gua PKWT/kontrak, jadi harus siap-siap juga if someday my work is no longer extended, huhu. But i believe that Allah has set a nicer plan in the near future for those who struggle to change :)